Parental feedback: "Loving the consistent communication and engaging parents in the learning". "Very happy with the level of learning and progress that has been made this year". "My child is happy and confident in school".


Where potential is nurtured and futures are inspired  

Education that goes beyond the curriculum


We pride ourselves on how smart our children are, especially when we are out on trips representing the school. Our school uniform is important to us, it makes the children feel part of the school community and looking smart in their uniforms encourages the right mind-set for learning.

You can order school uniform direct from our suppliers website and have it delivered to your door for convenience.

It is really important that your child’s name is written inside all clothes that they bring to school. Iron-on or sew on labels are the most long-lasting; make sure any pens you use are permanent as they have a habit of washing off! We do our best to match all lost property with its owner, however, unless items are named, this can be extremely challenging!

Our school uniform policy can be read below.